
Reglerventil 508V EPDM, NBR (Control Valve 508V EPDM, NBR )

Rotary Control Valve with tight shut-off and high grade rubber seat ring. The 508V ensures tight shut-off and eliminates the need for any additional stop valve that is normally required by conventional control valves.
Size Range: DN50 – DN600 (2″ – 24″)
Pressure Rating: 10 bar
Body Patterns: Wafer Body Seat:EPDM, NBR
Body Materials: Carbon Steel
Disc Materials:304SS, 316SS
Temperature Rating: -20°C to +120°C


Reglerventil 507V Metallsäte (Control Valve 507V Metal Seat)

Rotary Control Valve for high temperature fluids up to 400°C.Designed exclusively for the regulation of fluids, the 507V Control Butterfly Valve range provides:
High rangeability Reduced dynamic torque
Low noise levels. Anti-cavitation Wide temperature range.
Size Range:DN50 – DN400 (2″ – 16″)
Pressure Rating:Class 150, Class 300
Body Patterns: Wafer Body Seat:None
Body Materials:WCB, 316SS
Disc Materials: WCB, 316SS
Temperature Rating: -50°C to +400°C